Business Needs Vary. So Does UEM Software.

Not all UEM / MDM software is created equal, and it's confusing to know which is right for you. If you need help, we'll make sure to help you select the UEM software that best serves the needs of your business — and then help you manage that software so your IT department is not bogged down when they have more important things to do.



What You Get with our UEM Managed Services

Wireless Watchdogs MDM Managed Services off-loads from overburdened IT organizations the strenuous task of managing the MDM software and securing corporate- and employee-owned mobile devices. 

Our managed services/strategies are designed to create a multi-layered suite of security features around all major mobile device platforms, providing a single and complete window of control for all company information transmitted through corporate or personal devices.

Our UEM expertise extends to installing and managing a wide of variety of UEM software, like Airwatch and Intune. Request a demo below for more information on our UEM services and the software we support.

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enterprise spending on mobile devices can be cut with Managed Mobility Services.


million mobile devices and connections were added in 2016.


devices are infected with Malware every 6 months.

Mobile Device Management Download

Featured White Paper:

A Guide To Implementing
Mobile Device Management

Why. When. How.

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