Travel can be expensive on its own, but the charges incurred for using one’s phone out of the country can be staggering. We’d like to share with you a report that reviews just how fast these charges are growing.
It’s from one of the leading independent telecom research companies – CCMI, and it addresses an issue that applies to many Wireless Watchdog customers: how to control escalating international wireless roaming costs.
You can download the report for free here, (thanks to our good friends at Truphone for making it available!).
Here are just a few of the key findings from the report:
- More than a third of midmarket and enterprise companies (34%) are spending more than $1,000 per month per user on international wireless costs. Fifteen percent (15%) of this year’s respondents are spending more than $2,500 per user – per month!
- Remarkably, many companies are opting to ask their executive and business travelers to switch off or severely curtail their mobile usage while abroad, after spending thousands more on flights, hotels and transportation!
We’re familiar with emerging options that you might consider to combat the finding in this report, and would be glad to recommend a solution that best fits your organization, and keep your international travelers connected and productive.