Mobility is the present and future of business. With organizations relying on mobile technology to streamline business processes, increase productivity, and transmit sensitive data, implementing an effective Mobile Device Management solution is of the utmost importance.
Unfortunately, there is a misconception many organizations have around the costs associated with an enterprise mobility program. Beyond the costs of mobile devices and carrier plans, lie additional true mobility costs… and let’s face it, devices are getting smarter, more diverse and more complex by the day.
According to a survey conducted recently by CISCO, it is expected that by 2015 the average mobile user will have nearly 4 mobile devices. While another study by Osterman Research, estimated that the annual IT labor cost to manage mobile devices was $294 per user in 2012, and is expected to increase to $339 in 2013! Can your IT Department afford to support this tidal wave of devices? The days of mobile simplicity are over…
While Implementing a Mobile Device Management solution is a necessity for any business, it no longer needs to be a burden or challenge for your organization. Wireless Watchdogs has developed a proven method to manage your entire smart device fleet through our Mobile Device Management program. The WWD approach allows your organization to implement, architect, deploy, utilize, and manage a complete Mobile Device Management solution at a fraction of what it would cost to manage it internally. We alleviate all challenges and daily tasks by pairing our MDM top-notch 24/7 support with Wireless Watchdog’s Mobile Device Management – powered by AirWatch.
Our strategies are designed to create a multi-layered suite of security features around all major mobile device platforms, providing a single window of control for all company information transmitted through corporate or personal devices. We take a hands on approach to facilitate all device maintenance and management on your behalf, allowing you to minimize your true costs of mobility via our full lifecycle management program.