An article published last week by #techcrunch titled “Upgrades Fueling Second Hand Smartphone Sales Boom, Says Gartner” goes into detail on a study recently done by #Gartner_Inc on the second life of smartphones.
Why is this important? Well, a couple of the stats are quite scary if your enterprise is not prepared:
The global market for refurbished devices will more than double in 2017
Only 7 percent (YIKES!!) are sent to recycling organizations – Imagine where the others end up…
My focus is 2 fold…
The first… proper device disposal for devices with no future reuse case is important for our environment. The impact of mobile devices when not recycled correctly can be quite impactful on our world.
The second… how poor disposal processes can impact the enterprise. As mobile devices have become the center of how businesses communicate, (taking over the role in many cases of the PC?) the amount of intellectual property that lives on that device is at an all time high. Mobile Device Management is simply not enough. The enterprise needs strict policy around proper device wiping and disposal.
If your company has not taken the right steps to put in an official device recycling policy, I highly recommend looking to change that in 2015.
For more information on the article referenced above, click here.