How to Educate Workers on the Importance of Mobile Device Management

You can have a mobile device management solution in place, invested into two-factor authentication and other layers of mobile security, and have purchased subscriptions to the most high-powered antivirus and anti-malware software on the market. But it ultimately means very little if your employees don’t understand their role in helping MDM and other mobility security measures when fending off cyber threats.

Employees are likely to understand the value of mobile technology much more than they understand their own role in protecting this infrastructure. Here are three ways to help your workers recognize their importance in keeping your company safe.


1. Supplement Trainings with Tests and Games

There’s no way around it: employee trainings are critical to successful mobile security. But these trainings shouldn’t be a dry lecture to a large room, followed by a return to everyone’s regular routine.

Effective trainings will incentivize learning and behavioral changes by implementing some gamification strategies. Whether this means rewarding employees who score high on a test of what they’ve learned, or creating bonuses or other incentives based on how long an employee goes without making a security misstep, these simple rewards can get people’s attentions and help training sessions leave a lasting mark.



2. Run Simulated Attacks, and Report on the Results

Since malware or phishing attacks are likely to strike at some point, organizations should get ahead of the action by running their own simulated attack.

This is a great way to demonstrate how security breaches are created by human error: Once the simulation has run its course, IT can report to employees about the results, including what number of people clicked on the email or other security threat, what kind of damage this posed to the company, and how they might have recognized the risk and avoided their mistake.



3. Don’t Punish Workers for Self-Reporting Security Errors

For some business leaders, this might seem counterintuitive: when improper employee behavior could expose the company to serious security vulnerabilities, shouldn’t the punishment fit the crime?

But this policy ultimately hurts the company more than anyone else. Businesses need to cultivate a culture of self-reporting, since most security breaches are the result of user error. Even if one employee chooses not to disclose an error, such as downloading unauthorized apps or clicking on a questionable link, the damage could be devastating.

You need employees to be unafraid about admitting their error. Quick reporting will help IT respond faster and mitigate damage.

Effective business security always depends on employees understanding their role and doing their best to avoid threats. Companies should focus on fostering a culture that educates employees, explains the reasoning for policies, and protects them from backlash if they self-report an error.


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