After a recent wave of global malware attacks with terrifying names like WannaCry and Petya, businesses are eager to shore up their cybersecurity front in order to avoid becoming victims themselves. Many already have certain mobile device security features in place, such as antivirus software and/or mobile device management solutions to monitor and protect mobile technology.
It takes multiple layers of security to effectively protect digital business assets, and companies should start working now to beef up their security before it’s too late. Here are three simple steps organizations can take to protect themselves against the next big malware attack.
1. Make Sure Software Updates and Patches are Promptly Installed
According to ZDNet, the majority of victims of the WannaCry malware attack were victimized because they hadn’t installed software patches and other critical updates that would have otherwise protected their computers from the attack.
This stat underscores the importance of timely updates to your software. The use of a mobile device management system makes it easier to track which devices are running the latest version of important softwares, and it’s even possible for IT professionals to monitor devices on an individual level to make sure patches and other updates are installed.
2. Protect Each Device With Anti-Malware Software
Effective mobile device management provides critical layers of security, but other steps should be taken to confront malware with as many barriers to entry as possible. Anti-malware software is a great layer of security protection that businesses can install on to every device within the company’s mobile network.
With anti-malware software in place, threats are more likely to be caught before they can do lasting damage. Quarantines, malware deletion, and activity reports are all available to mitigate threats and provide information that will help combat future attacks.
3. Educate Employees On Proper Threat Avoidance Measures
Unfortunately, the most common way malware infiltrates an organization is through employee error. No matter how comprehensive and reputable your existing cybersecurity measures, the odds are stacked against your company if employees aren’t trained on proper online behavior.
With that in mind, businesses should offer regular training on how to handle suspicious emails, the importance of strong passwords that are regularly changed, and the importance of backing up your work in case those assets become corrupted, stolen, or lost.
Unfortunately for businesses, it only takes one breach of security to create a company-wide malware epidemic. But by enlisting a variety of security measures, enterprise organizations can minimize their risks and become more proactive in responding to threats.
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